My husband and i recently visited iran. While we were looking for iranian travel companies, we found uppersia in Tripadvisor. The reviews were great and now I can surely say that they are one of the best travel agency in iran.The team coordinating very fast and informative,our tour guide was Seyed ali mohammad hosseini.
ali was kind, very patient, flexible and his time was ours to do whatever we want. We decided together what we should see and how long his time was going to be with us.
His knowledge of all things it was quite amazing. he had a great way of putting it across. he had a great personality and was very very personable. By the end of the tour we felt we were friends rather than clients.he was obviously very well known by many people.he always make sure that you will enjoy every single day of your tour.
In addition, iranian's cuisine was one of the best all their food are so tasty, people are so nice, the place is safe and the view was breath-taking.
If you are planning to visit iran, Uppersia is the perfect company. They will make you fall in love with iran, with an affordable price you will be able to visit all the famous tourist spots in iran.